Trained and Reliable Employees

Personnel shortages are one of the challenges many companies have to attend to in Mableton, GA, regardless of the field. Access to reliable and thoroughly trained employees allows businesses to operate seamlessly, and Smart Resource's professional labor staffing for hire will assist in moving forward instead of cutting back.

What Sets Smart Resources Apart From The Traditional Staffing Agency?

The traditional temp staffing agency procedures have been a problem for a long time. The prevalent procedure has always been to get anybody in the door, a method that quickly becomes more expensive than it’s worth in the long run. Most staffing agents are only able to fill job roles and have no solutions to thwart the unavoidable rise in Cost Per Unit that results from training and retaining these employees. Our staffing agency is a temp staffing agent that defies the usual.

We bring you more than just potential hires. Smart Resources transforms what a temp staffing agency can do, providing strategic labor solutions that result in increased revenue and capabilities. Outsourced labor becomes a profitable part of any organization instead of a quick fix because we focus on vetting and training a workforce, taking the burden off of management and the existing employees. Our temp staffing agency also work closely with clients and tour their company beforehand to figure out how our solutions will improve efficiency. With a staffing agency, a business can anticipate full-scope services that include:

  • An on-site strategist who focuses on making the business more productive and efficient.
  • Guerilla recruiting brings professional, driven talent – no more infighting or behavior issues as is common with the staffing from a typical job agency.
  • An end to high turnover issues by offering fantastic benefits such as health and retirement as well as wages.
  • Complete fill rate through our FlexForce Program.
  • Coherent communication between those in leadership positions and employees.

Guerilla Staffing Efforts

The usual staffing agency will attempt to fill labor shortages, normally with a less than 100% fill rate. Why reach out to a temp agency that fails to deliver on its promises and only offers an unproductive and inefficient workforce? Smart Resources rounds up a higher caliber pool of talent, to make sure Cost per Unit is lowered and productivity is increased simultaneously. We understand how to hire workers in line with the qualifications and skills that fit your company. Although another temp focuses on the local area, our agency also cast a wider net and attract driven workers elsewhere with an excellent wages and benefits.

What Makes Smart Resources Different?

How We're Better Than Traditional Staffing

Staffing services and outsourced labor solutions for hire provide workers to cover a variety of positions, because we recruit and train in line with a company's particular needs. With us, you have a skilled set of outsourced employees ready and trained to work in your business. While other temp staffing agencies routinely fail to fully and consistently staff the businesses they service, our agency eliminates the hassles of hiring as we oversee their development, placement, and management. Shortcomings otherwise experienced result in a significant financial liability to any business.

Are we different from usual temp staffing? The short answer is yes. Smart Resources offers a hiring strategy that helps get the highest return on every dollar spent on outsourced labor. Our agency gives you a workforce, and also send in our experts to boost the efficiency of productivity and procedures. Our on-site strategists facilitate change management, letting you implement best practices that improve revenue.

The temp staffing industry routinely fails to fully and frequently staff the businesses they service. Traditional staffing sources only provide warehouse employees without regard to qualifications, education, training, or the number of workers. When compared to others, our agency offers high-caliber labor staffing with the necessary training required for the job. Our temp staffing agency makes sure that the right amount of employees are hired for the project, with various skill levels to fill certain roles and an on-site team member to oversee the new employees. Our technique gets rid of outsourcing shortages, so when a labor force is on-boarded, you have ready-to-work employees.

Productive Employees Build Your Success

We fill 100% of open positions, because we developed systems and practices to make sure that you're always at total capacity for optimal efficiency and productivity on your business. As a temp staffing service, agents use guerilla recruiting to provide high-quality employees. Additionally, our agency sources candidates from new places instead of hiring from the same group of workers that others use.

Hire the Labor Force Required

If your business in Mableton, GA, relies on outsourced labor and you haven't chosen Smart Resources, you are most likely losing funds. We're the solution needed to make sure your workforce is ready to do the work you have for the length of time necessary. From hiring to training and supervising, selected candidates become your team to fulfill deliverables. Contact us today for a consultation.

Get the Labor Force You Need

If your business relies on outsourced labor and you're not working with Smart Resources™, you are probably losing money. We are the solution you need to ensure your workforce is ready to take on the work you have for the duration of the time you need. From hiring to training and managing, our people become your teams to fulfill your deliverables. Contact us today to learn more.