A Temp Agency With Solutions For Today’s Challenges

Personnel shortages are one of the biggest hassles companies face today in Decatur, GA. The problem affects businesses on nearly every level, putting more stress on existing employees, disrupting day-to-day job duties, and ultimately degrading the customer experience. Many turn to a typical temp staffing company to fill in the gaps, but their “band-aid” approach doesn't typically achieve a meaningful outcome. If you’re ready to create a workforce with staffing agents that understands how to work strategically towards goals, try Smart Resources. We have the industry knowledge to help move ahead instead of trimming back.

On-Board New Employees from the Best Staffing Company

We've helped dozens of companies make outsourced labor a profitable answer. Our company can help save money by providing an experienced labor force of ready-to-work employees that are paid a better wage, have a benefits plan, and have continued employment once the project is done. We differ substantially from usual staffing companies because we utilize a strategic approach to forming a stable workforce that we prepared to fulfill specific needs. While most temp staffing companies focus their efforts on getting people through the door, we adhere to a selective hiring process, and focus on providing the training necessary to complete the work at the highest of standards.

Affordable Outsourced Temp Staff

We help get the highest return on investment with outsourced labor because you receive a workforce prepared to undertake all aspects of the project and an on-site strategist who facilitates changes and implements the best practices that set your company apart. In addition, our experts improve the efficiency of your productivity and procedures. Our on-site strategists facilitate change management, allowing you to make substantial headway in saving costs and effort related to high employee turnover. Our temp staffing agency help make and retain profits.

The Workforce Needed, When You Need It

Our temp staffing agency goes further than gathering talent with the capabilities and experience needed. Our company puts money heavily towards training these workers specifically for the challenges they will face on production floors and in stockroom. With Simulated Workplace Modules based on the specific environment and staffing needs, workforce candidates are extensively tested and trained to become proficient at the work they will be assigned on their first day of work. It's also the case for workers in the FlexForce Program, a workforce waiting to give a 100% fill rate when needed.

Productive Employees Make You Successful

We fill 100% of orders, because we developed systems and procedures to make sure that you continue to work at optimal efficiency and productivity. As a temp staffing service, agents use guerilla recruiting to offer high-caliber workers. Moreover, our agency recruits job seekers from new areas rather than hire from the same pool of workers that others use.

Call Our Temp Agency

Whether you’re short on staffing or use a traditional temp staffing agent, you’re likely losing money and opportunities for growth. The outdated model of merely getting people to fill gaps in your production and company is an ineffective model that causes more problems than it fixes. Turn it around by making a labor into a profit center with the unique solutions of Smart Resources. We’ve restructured the part played by a temp agency by focusing efforts into your success in addition to our own. Call us now to discover what we provide for Decatur, GA.

Get the Labor Force You Need

If your business relies on outsourced labor and you're not working with Smart Resources™, you are probably losing money. We are the solution you need to ensure your workforce is ready to take on the work you have for the duration of the time you need. From hiring to training and managing, our people become your teams to fulfill your deliverables. Contact us today to learn more.